Level 1 - One-to-One Practitioner Training
Level 2 - Group Facilitation Training
Levels 1&2 plus Soul Reading Retreat & Training

Starting SEPT 2024
(Limited Spaces)

Enrolling Now!

Transformational Self-Love Therapy

"Love & Serve Yourself, Then Love & Serve Others; It's Why You're Here." 

 ~ Marc Allen, Author & Publisher of New World Library 

How Transformational Self Love Therapy Works.

"You cannot find this information anywhere else. There's nothing like it, and I've looked." 
- Nameda Belmane, TSLT graduate.

Transformational Self Love Therapy (TSLT) is an innovating, seven step self-talk modality that is an unlike any other. 

It encompasses similar techniques as Gestalt Therapy, EFT, CBT, Ho-oponopono, and Family constellations, but the way it naturally flows in a guided, conversational way is unique, profound and sublimely simple.

Combined with a powerful breathing technique called 'Breathe and Receive', The Five Elements of Transformational Decisions, and The Seven Directions of Forgiveness, this miraculous self-love method reaches deep into core wounding and childhood issues almost effortlessly.

It has the power to gently release buried, severe and generational trauma, birth and conception trauma, unresolved past-life issues, emotional blocks, mental limitations, struggles and imbalances, cellular level dis-ease and illness, along with the ability to unlock even long-term pain in the body and release subconscious blockages without re-traumatising the client.

5 Reasons Why You Want This in Your Tool Kit.

If you worry about not doing enough, fast enough for your clients, then discover the SINGLE ROOT CAUSE of All mental, emotional, physical and spiritual pain, trauma, illness and suffering. TSLT gives you the powerful, breakthrough results you long for without re-traumatising your clients, faster and more effectively than ever before.
Learn the secrets to gaining an instant, authentic connection with yourself and feel the relief of coming home to you. Then discover the art to establishing an almost immediate trust-bond and deep, authentic connection with your clients, and simultaneously guide them to have the same deep, authentic and home-coming connection with themselves. All this within the first 10-20 minute of a session!

MUTUAL Empowerment
Genuinely empower your clients with real self-help tools that mutually liberate you both from client co-dependancy issues so that never again do you need to compromise your time, energy or integrity to help others. Plus, be hugely empowered and equipped to heal your personal and professional issues, in any area. 

Learn the secret to recovering, restoring and protecting your energy so you never lose sense of self or your precious energy by over-giving or over-compensating ever again! With TSLT you're protected from emotional overwhelm and BURNOUT. You'll feel energised and incredible after facilitating clients, without taking on negative energies or emotional baggage.

Want to break out of your shell? Now's your time to bloom with full, inner-confidence, access your higher potential, activate your hidden gifts and sensitivities, expand your intuitive and extra-sensory abilities, and fulfil your true soul purpose. Unlock your NEXT LEVEL of self-actualisation!

Meet Some of Our TSLT Graduates.

Watch their stories...

 "I would have loved to have done this years ago. I’ve spent a lot of years doing a lot of training. This training was so worth it. I think all colleges who are teaching people to help others should do it.”
Catherine Berry - Ireland
Counsellor, Psychotherapist & Social Worker
"I’m getting breakthroughs in clients I’ve had for a year and they're able to connect with themselves in a manner that... I’m a little bit shocked. It’s a game changer & I dare say a life changer."
Dr Sherry Haferkamp-Watson - USA
Mom, Clinical Psychologist
"This training has opened my eyes & made me see me more. It’s amazing.” 
Jesenia Gonzales - USA
Single Mom, Spiritual Healer & Reiki Practitioner 
“Honestly, the miracles that happened back-to-back. The best thing I ever did. I’ll always use that modality forever because it saved my life.”
Abi Flynn, UK. Terminal cancer survivor, singer-songwriter.

Successful Experiential Results With TSLT Include, But Not Limited To:


With Relief From:

  • Chronic Stress & Anxiety,
  • ​Depression & Addiction,
  • ​Childhood Trauma & PTSD,
  • ​Negative Self-Talk,
  • ​Self-Harm, Suicidal Ideations, 
  • Event Related Stress Injury,
  • ​Fears & Phobias,
  • ​Bi-Polar Disorder, 
  • ​Disassociation,
  • ​Mental Abuse, 
  • ​Limiting Beliefs
  • ​Self Esteem, Confidence & & Self-Worth, 
  • ​Ancestral Conditioning & Inherited Patterns,
  • ​Self-Connection & Self-Trust.


With Relief From:

  • Auto-immune Illnesses,
  • ​Acute & Long-Term Pain,
  • ​M.E., Lethargy, Energy Loss,
  • ​IBS & Digestive Issues,
  • ​Nerve & Nervous System Damage, inc M.S onset, 
  • ​Arthritis,
  • ​Throat & Speaking Issues, 
  • ​Asthma & Breathing Issues,
  • ​Physical & Sexual Abuse, 
  • ​Birth Trauma,
  • ​Hormonal & Infertility Issues,
  • ​Back Pain & Chronic Pain,
  • ​Inherited Illnesses, 
  • ​Cancer.


With Increased:

  • Sense of Belonging,
  • ​Calm, Relaxation & Inner-Peace,
  • ​Healthy, Harmonious Relationships,
  • ​Communication Issues Resolution,
  • ​Faith & Meaning in Life,
  • ​Past-Life & Karmic Resolution,
  • ​Soul Retrieval, Wholeness,
  • ​Self Embodiment,
  • ​Consciousness & Self-Awareness,
  • ​Soul Purpose Connection,
  • ​Extra-Sensory Development,
  • ​Activation of Gifts & Genius,
  • ​Connection to Higher-Power (Non-religiously orientated)
  • ​Abundance & Manifestation.
Meet The TSLT Founder, Tara Love Perry

A trail-blazer in her field, on a mission to generate more love in this world to secure a future for our children and grandchildren's generations.

Tara Love Perry has enjoyed a 22+ year career transforming tens of thousands of lives from the inside out, all over the world, including CEO's, celebrities, influencers, government leaders, and even a First Lady.

Tara created the "I Love You, Me" Method in 2008; a game-changing, self-help modality based on deep, unconditional self-love. 

Then, 'Transformational Self-Love Therapy' (TSLT) was launched in 2017 for professional use, now with graduates worldwide, hence Tara's well-earned reputation for being the UK's leading Self-Love teacher.

A naturally gifted, intuitive energy reader and healer, author and international speaker, Tara also hosts specialist trainings in extra-sensory development and executive leadership retreats.

Tara is also the ambassador of orphans charity ALALA.

Your Potential Calling.

Everything happens for a divine reason... and something inside you has led you to BE HERE now. You already know something deep down is calling you. Perhaps you sense it but can't quite put your finger on it...yet.

You want to access the missing parts of yourself again, and re-remember your secret inner-knowledge.

You want to embody your full potential and burst out of that invisible shell that seems to cage your soul. You want to embody who you truly are, and help others do the same. That's why you are here. 

Are you ready to follow the feeling and trust the process?

Born Ready For This!

The path that's in front of you will not only enable you to lead your clients back to who they really are in the most genuine and authentically empowering way, but it will do the same for you too.

You need just as much self-love and self-care as your clients do... maybe even more?

It takes great courage and faith to follow your inner-knowing. But once you do, your heart rejoices, making you bolder, more self-trusting, more empowered and more fulfilled than ever before! 

Your heart is calling you to know yourself more completely, expand your consciousness, and come home to your true self. Then you can lead others to do the same. You were born for this!  

More Life-Changing Stories

From Our TSLT Graduates...

“I see people releasing trauma much faster than in any talking therapy I did before. I feel more complete, like I got the piece I was missing from my sessions.”
ZsuZsanna Purnell - UK
Mom, TA Counsellor for Drug & Alcohol Addiction
"I feel amazing! Just wonderfully supportive - I loved every moment of the training. I would do it again in a heart-beat.” 
Megan Holt - USA
Home-school Mom, Counsellor & Reiki Practitioner 
"The knowledge that was coming out was actually far beyond my expectation. It gives you so much immediate benefit."
Named Belmane - Latvia
New Vocation
"It is so empowering for my clients. They really are wowed. I would so recommend this to others, I think the world is in need of it.”
Tracey Gardner - South Africa. Kinesiologist, Life-scaping Coach.

More Graduate Reviews

​“I have done lots of therapy and coaching, but nothing; nothing helped me as much as "I love you, me". This training helped me heal my heart. It was very helpful & transformative on my journey. I can't explain with words how I've expanded in my heart. All my clients also experience change that is not temporary but permanent transformation. This process is a life changing experience, especially around confidence, anxiety & depression issues."

The Coach Natalia, Christian Counselor, Holistic Life Coach, Health & Wellness Coach, Mind-Body Practitioner, Pilates Teacher.
​“I've done a few courses, but this "I Love You, Me" training made me realize that this is what I was looking for & what I wanted to do. As a medical professional I always believed in research & was more in my mind than my heart, however when I was going through some trauma in my life the ILYM Method supported me to connect with my inner-self. I experienced a very powerful re-birth during the training, which healed my own birth trauma. Now I feel so good supporting others mentally & emotionally to achieve similar transformation. I see the freedom, happiness & peace in my clients. I even use the method on the ward."

Shreejana Koirala, NHS Community Matron.

​“I Love You, Me" is totally life changing. It's by far the most powerful tool I have come across in helping people come back into their bodies & reconnect with their emotions. The relationship with the inner-child is fundamental for any real healing to take place, & this is the foundation from which the "I Love You, Me" Method is built. The results are major breakthroughs in the ability to be vulnerable, communicate needs & create deeper, more connected relationships. My clients also experience a deeper trust that life has got them & as a result find themselves meeting uncomfortable situations with courage & grace."

Bradley Wescott, NLP Coach.
​“This course has been pretty incredible. The biggest takeaway is the transformational power of love. It has really shown me how to put love into practice to help me heal myself & to help others do the same. Self love is absolutely essential. All the other things that we're taught to focus on in life are not really going to land unless there's a foundation of self love underneath. The course is opening doors for a new life for me, much lighter, more whole, & without my limiting beliefs about being good enough."

Tessa Hindshaw, Child Psychologist.
​“What this training gave me that I didn't get anywhere else, was the opportunity to dive into my shadows. It allowed me to go deep & identify what was really going on & bring it all to a place of peace. I found a new lease of life, it's given me confidence & self belief. I have done other shadow work but none of it really compares to the "I Love You, Me" methodology. It's a beautiful step by step process which will always bring a result at the end. I guarantee your life will never be the same again."

David Alison, Life Coach, Former Master Coach at Tony Robbins

Our Promise To You

The TSLT professional training, promises to deliver and comes with a 100% satisfaction guarantee. 
If for any reason you are dissatisfied with the training teaching, content and results after the first 6 weeks of the training period, you'll get a full refund. 
Copyright 2024 ©Tara Love Perry  www.taraloveperry.com - All rights reserved