'Self-Love Immersion'
Sat - 23 Sept '23

"There's Nothing Else Out There Like This. A Unique, Life-Changing Experience!"

00 Years 00 Months 00 Weeks 00 Days 00 Hours 00 Minutes 00 Seconds
'Why You Should Come...
"No-one Ever Introduced Me, to Me, The Way You Did."

Because it's GUARANTEED that you'll have a very powerful meeting and re-connection with your authentic self, and feel like you've come home to yourself for the first time!

 You will experience deep healing, true liberate from the things that block, limit and hurt you, and you'll feel greatly empowered to live the life you were born to live.
Free Yourself from parental patterns, conditioning & programming.

Heal Yourself from childhood trauma and emotional scars.

Get Connected with your soul and authentic self.

Realise Who You Are and why you are here.

Resolve Drama and end toxic relationships. 

Reduce Mental Stress, depression, negative thinking and worry.

Empower Yourself, with inner-confidence and self worth.

Raise Your Vibration and change your reality.

Trust Yourself, to make wiser, healthier decisions.

Increase Your Intuition, awaken your awareness and unlock your gifts.

"It's Time to Become The LOVE You've Been Waiting For."
Why You Need Self-Love...
"Looking For Love in All The Wrong Places."
Did you know, that what you're secretly waiting for, so you can move forward with your life and achieve everything you dream of achieving, is to simply be loved by the right people, in the right way? 

Most people never realise that they are wasting their lives subconsciously waiting for this love from a person who isn't likely to change.  

And what's worse, they end up spending their entire lives looking for love in all the wrong places, filling the emptiness inside with unhealthy people, addictions and habits...

Subconscious PUSHING LOVE AWAY by inadvertently hurting the people who matter most.
You Need To Love Yourself...
"Don't Waste Another Moment Feeling Un-Met & Unloved."
Because THE ROOT CAUSE of your pain, struggle and limiting blocks, is a LACK OF REAL LOVE
Loss of connection, with yourself, others, and sometimes everything & everyone in life.
Identity concerns, so you don't know who you really are or where you belong.
Confusion, feeling lost, abandoned & unsafe in the world, where things don't make sense.
Anxiety, PTSD, OCD, depression, disillusionment, negativity, sadness & deep grief. 
Fearfulness, not trusting yourself, others, the future & life generally.
Aloneness, feeling unseen, unheard & that there's no-one who's really there for you.
Self-critisism, negative body image, shame, judgement & hating parts of yourself.
Co-dependancy, getting stuck in unfulfilling, toxic or abusive relationships.
Low self-worth, playing small, with repeated money & abundance issues or lack.
Family & home problems, with ongoing trauma & drama between people.
Disempowerment, anger, rage, fighting, frustration & lack of control to change things.
Inauthenticity, feeling like you can't be yourself, hiding your truth & people pleasing.
No direction, lacking a sense of purpose, clarity & connection to your gifts.
Addiction, to food, shopping, sex, porn, drugs, alcohol, self harm & negative thinking.
"Learn How To Love Yourself & Fill The Empty Spaces Inside."
What You'll Get At This Event...
You'll Get The Most Amazing KEYS to Healing and Transformation, 
That Work on Anything, Anywhere, in All Areas of Your Life!
The Key to Yourself
Discover the KEY to overcoming any limiting block, barrier, false belief, wound, harmful conditioning, negative programming, or sabotaging energy, & be free from pain inflicted by others.

Fully Lovable
No longer be waiting for someone else to love you the way you need to be loved. Because now you know how to love yourself the right way, so you feel good about who you are, with deep down, unshakable confidence, and feel safe to live your life on your terms.
Claim Your Rightful Power! 
Discover how Your Love for yourself is the most powerful force in the entire universe; More powerful than fear, hate, lust, greed, money or death. No-one else can take power from you when you know how to own it.
LOVE is All You Need.
Everything you need is inside of you already, and when you have the secrets to connect to your authentic self within, you attract more real love from others!  Love is your ultimate essence, truth, strength & reason for being. It's your source.
Master Your Reality.
When you know HOW to change your reality on the inside, the external world transforms around you, matching your beliefs, feelings and vibration. Learn how to become more powerful so that you can transform your life, and change your reality, from the inside out.
What It Helps...
Improve Your Overall State of Being... Be More YOU!
This workshop will help you make friends with your mind, giving you clarity, focus, and a healthier mental image of yourself.  

You didn't create the self-destructive beliefs in your head, you inherited them! Release self-judgement, critisism, negative self-talk and end anxiety.
Lack of love breaks hearts, BUT real love mends them, starting with YOUR LOVE. Experience deep relationship healing. 
Instead of relating to yourself as fragmented parts, lost, disconnected, and alone, come home to who your really are!
How It Works...
Using a Unique & Profound 7-step Method for Transformational Self-Love, You Will Transform Your Self-Connection, Relationships, Abundance & Well-being!
Self-Love for loving relationships.

Self-Love for healing families.

Self-Love brings people together.

Self-Love for therapists, healers, givers, helpers & leaders.

Feel safe, Held & Empowered...
Throughout the day, you will be guided by Tara Love Perry through a series of completely unique processes that dive deeply into 3 main areas of your life: Self-Connection, Relationships & Money using a combination of:

  • Specialised breath-work to help you open up, relax, connect & receive more.
  • ​​Super-sensory mindfulness that engages you in full presence & activates your higher potential.
  • ​Secret keywords that have the power to transform and heal almost anything!
  • A blend of self-talk & partner-work so you're well equipped to use it multiple areas of your life.
PART 1 - Learn  how to use the "I Love You, Me" Method in any area of your life.

PART 2Connect With Your Authentic Self & Reclaim Your Inner-Child.

PART 3 - Release Blocks To Love & Relationships (any relationships).

PART 4 - Clear Money & Abundance Issues.

END + VIP SESSION - Questions & Answers with Tara.

Is It For You?

* You are 16 years & over. (14-16 year olds if accompanied by an adult)

* If you've tried other things & they didn't work because there was something missing.

* You know you need more self-love & suspect that it could be the key to everything in your life.

* You're a newbie, amateur or old-hat in alternative wellbeing, consciousness & personal development. Because it's tailored for your unique experience, and because there's nothing else out there like this, you will come away feeling blown-away.

* You want to get inner-connected and change your life.

* You want to learn new skills o you can help others transform their lives too!
What To Expect...
"Completely Unique & Unlike Anything You've Ever Experienced."
  • Expect to laugh, cry, laugh, cry, release stuff in a good way.
  • Hug yourself, hug others, feel held, make friends.
  • Have major realisations & discover heaps about yourself.
  • ​Re-connect & bring home parts of you that have been MIA.
  • ​Feel all the dots joining up so your life finally makes sense.
  • ​Stop feeling alone & like you're the only crazy weirdo.
  • ​Feel immensely & profoundly better about yourself & life.
  • ​Feel lighter, freer, less blocked, happier & more confident.
  • ​Learn how to communicate & be closer with yourself & others.
  • ​Be seen, heard, held, met, validated & deeply 'got'.
  • ​Develop your inner-senses & extra sensory abilities naturally.
  • ​Expand your consciousness considerably.
  • ​Enjoy a safe, nurturing, relaxed and happy atmosphere.
  • ​Now want to leave, learn more & stay connected.
  • ​Have fun and see the sea!

No microphones, bright lights, film crews or hi-fives. 
With Tara Love Perry...
Self-Love & Empowerment Teacher, Speaker, Author, Creator of "I Love You, Me" Method & 'Transformational Self-Love Therapy'.

Tara Love Perry is a natural seer, healer and teacher who has shared her unique teachings and methods with therapists, coaches, celebrities, executives, CEO's, UN ambassadors, government leaders and a First Lady, internationally, for over 20 years.

She is widely considered the UK's leading Self-Love expert and a global pioneer in her field. It's her life-long mission to help bring more love to the world by reminding and teaching people how to transform and heal their lives using her simple yet profound seven steps to self-love.

Tara was declared officially dead in the womb for an unheard of 2 month period. After 11 months in utero she was then born into a life of spirituality, love and service to others and grew up listening to the teachings of an enlightened Master. She has followed a consistent path of spirituality and soul purpose, and much of her knowledge comes from directly from psychically 'reading' soul and universal energies.

She is best loved for her authentic, refreshing and altogether original approach to spirituality and self realisation, and famous for her uncanny ability to see into your soul. She is often called 'The Spiritual Midwife' because of the safe and nurturing space she holds for people to awaken to the truth of themselves, without dogma or 'the middle man'.

Tara's mission is fuelled by her passion to empower young adults & children to BE the change they are looking for in the world.
Event Reviews...
 — Abi Flynn - Singer, Cancer Survivor
"What happened to me at that event is almost indescribable. For the first time ever, I opened up a dialogue with all of those hurting parts of me, and I felt relief whoosh through my body as so much sorrow and pain that I had been holding onto for so long was finally able to be seen and nurtured and embraced by me. Something changed in me that day. It was the first step to curing my cancer."

- Ash Khan, Film maker, script writer
"I love you me" has transformed my life. My depression, stress and anxiety has gone. I no longer have bladder problems. I am full of energy and do all the things I always wanted to do. My relationships with my family are now amazing. My career and finances have improved dramatically. I also now love myself unconditionally and I am so much happier for it. I now see I was my own worst enemy but now I am my Best Friend."

— Michelle Fernandes
I was suffering from (acute chronic) asthma for around 34yrs, and if I look back there were barely any days in a year when I didn't have asthma. Taking steroids to survive was my normal. Life felt like a punishment. I had tried all sorts of medication from allopathy, Ayurveda, and homeopathy.  But never had I paid attention to what was going on in inside, until Tara. She cracked me open during this live event and put me together differently. I have never got an asthma attack since." 
"Theres a whole new depth of understanding... I've finally made that real connection with my true self. Best thing I've done for myself in years."  Emma Murphy, Psychotherapist

"There's a lot of other things that talk about this, but Tara's work actually goes to the core" Cat Rowe, Healer

"Amazing Tara. I just wanted to say a big thank you. I have a great memories of the event... lots of warmth in my belly, and my heArt. Finally’ my heart feels open. God bless you all, Lucy 💖⭐️✌️" - Lucinda Deslandes

"Working through the 7 steps,  I’ve found that my anxiety and PTSD have gone. I’ve been making positive changes in my life and distancing myself from relationships that no longer serve me or bring positivity in to my life." - Nicola Taylor - Sales Consultant 

"After just one workshop I knew it was special but "I Love You, Me" has done so much more for me than I ever imagined possible." - Lianne Price - Secondary School Teacher

 "I felt so content after and it lasted for a long time through a period that otherwise would have been very difficult. Tara gave me tools to start the practice" - Kat

"I was overwhelmed by the openness, support and love I felt from everyone there. I have never experienced a day like it." - Jan Middlesbrough

"From the very beginning of those two memorable days, I felt very reassured, in peace, surrounded by unconditional love. This experience had a tremendous impact on me... all those years of sadness and loneliness, and I always had the solution inside myself without knowing it! — Mariví Millership - Lawyer

"What happened there, was life changing, as honest and pure as the truth can be. My shift happened when I realised I didn't love myself at all, I didn´t value Me at all." - Katarina Kroslakova, Teacher, dancer

"Love All The Parts of YOU That Need To be Loved."
What The Experts Say...

"I am walking on air, everything is flowing in a new way. What you taught took root in my being. Relevant in every conversation every situation. It changed my world. You are, we are, changing the world.♥️🙌"

Erika Indra, Sufi Master, Spirithorse Foundation Founder
"This woman has managed to find a hotline to one of the most elusive and vital practices on the planet; Self-Love. She's having insanely powerful results. It could be just what you need...."
 Jamie Catto, Author of "Insanely Gifted", Creator of "One Giant Leap" films & "Being Nobody" with Ram Das.
“Tara is a gift for these times, gentle, powerful, liberating. I have experienced more with Tara in 2 hours than I have in 10 years of therapeutic work. 
Tara brings what is needed to heal the fragments of self, back into love. This work is absolutely right on the button for NOW.” 
Fiona Arrigo, Founder of The Arrigo Programme, therapist of 38 years.

"Tara took participants on an incredible journey through clearing unconscious beliefs and programs in the way of happiness and success."
 Steve Ahnael Nobel, spiritual guide, ex-director of Alternatives London.
"I knew there would be some significant changes after the event...my self-confidence has blossomed, I have a loving man in my life and I'm avoiding the super-critical perfectionist role at work. I'm tapping into and trusting my gut instinct more."
Gina Larter, Managing Partner
"The biggest thing that shifted is I am not unconsciously waiting for someone to rescue me any more. I feel more powerful. Thank you for how seamlessly and glowingly you led the days and the jewels of information."
Heather Hawthorn - Angelic Healer 
A New Reality!
  • Be gently and safely guided through a process of self-love & personal transformation.
  • Learn how to clear your blocks around money, love & living your best life.
  • ​ Understand HOW to make the shift from where you're currently limited, to where you want to be.
  • Take invaluable tools and techniques home with you that you'll remember for life!
  • ​ Feel that you've finally found 'Your Tribe,' & connect with new people just like you!
  • ​ Learn to receive the life that's truly meant for you, and how you can end the struggle.
  •  Discover & empower your natural extra-sensory awareness in a safe environment.
  •  And so much more than we can't put into words...you'll understand when you get here!
The Old Ship Hotel, 
32-38 Kings Rd, 
Brighton and Hove, 


This event is dedicated to Christine La Nahedic, founder of ALALA charity for orphaned children, 'Mother of Water', angel & beloved friend. Thank you for your tireless work & unconditional giving. May you forever be in the love that you are.

10% of ticket sales will be donated to ALALA to help keep Christine's legacy alive.

Phone & Fax: +44/0 1273 677178-Mobile: +44/0 7739 728433-Email: info@alala.org.uk
ALALA is a registered charity in England and Wales, No. 1140248
  • What is the date of the "I Love You, Me" event?  ​Saturday 23rd September 2023.
  • ​ Where is the event being held? The venue for the event is The Old Ship Hotel, 32-38 King's Road, brighton, BN11NR.
  • Can anyone attend this event? Yes! If you want to make the best of the rest of 2023, and start 2024 with higher consciousness, less conditioning, more self-love and more energy - "Self Love Immersion" is the event for you. We recommend under 16's to be accompanied by an adult and that it's not suitable for children or babies due to the level of emotional processing & breakthroughs in the room.
  • Can I bring my spouse or a friend? Absolutely! Experiences like this are better shared, however due to VERY limited seating, every person must have a ticket in their own name to get into the event. If you book for someone else, ensure you book it in their name, with their email address.
  • What if I have a question that's not on this list? We're here to help, and want you to be 100% happy with investing your time and effort in attending. Simply email the team at info@taraloveperry.com
Got your ticket?
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