Online 'Self-Love Spa' For Burnt-Out Healers, Coaches & Wellbeing Professionals

Giving from an empty cup?  STOP doing the 8 Deadly Healer Habits that leave you drained, depleted, and done-in, and come home to the Real You for vitality, energy, joy and Self-Love. 

Join the 7-Day, Self-Love Spa to Go From Burnt-Out to Blissed- Out.

7 Day Online Program. 
Permanent Access
Like-Minded Community
In Your Own Time.

"I would absolutely recommend this course with Tara, I'm buzzing from head to toe, knowing this course has changed my life ♥️ So Truly Grateful Tara Love, Thank you, Much Love." - Caz Hawke ♥️♥️♥️"

"Such a worthwhile investment in time and energy, to start a transformative process. Very grateful to Tara Love Perry for developing the spa, as it is a great way to properly understood the I Love You Me method. Tara is a very skilled, compassionate and knowledgeable facilitator." - Shakti

''Self-Love Spa is Brilliant! Excellently created and presented. Really enjoyed it and treasure the loving safe relaxed space Tara holds and offers so beautifully, and the wonderful group likewise. I learned some valuable information which clarified and made more sense of various past experiences and ongoing difficulties, and a simple but potent process which really is life-changing for me, and easy to use - so I am actually using it!! The Breathe & Receive Meditation is lovely & also do-able, not too long, and gentle. It's all a continuing process which I can see being very fruitful. Love & Blessings all, & much Gratitude." -Judith

Soak in90 Mins of Healing a Day for 7 Days, Online.

Get Back the REAL YOU in a 'Self-Love Spa' From the Comfort of Your Own Bed, Bath or Yoga Mat.

 Be Seen, Heard, Held, Met and Gently Guided Through a Deep, Transformative Process of Renewal & Self-Love to Rejuvenate You from Your Cells to Your Soul.

Relax, Receive and Release The Subconscious Blocks That Stop You Being Your Authentic, Amazing Self!

The Restoration You Urgently Need

  • ​Fast Relief From Overwhelm.
  • ​Heal Your Body & Soothe Strained Nerves.
  • ​Calm Your Mind.
  • ​Unburden Emotional Baggage.
  • ​Release Over-responsibility Habits.
  • ​​Rebalance Your Giving/Receiving.
  • ​Reconnect to Your Authentic-Self.
  • ​Safeguard & Protect Your Energy.

For Healers, Helpers, Coaches &  Wellness Professionals...

When You Need More Than a Hug or a Holiday.

You need to feel better fast because you've got responsibilities, but you also need to be deeply reconnected, loved and restored to your core.

You give a lot, help others, and make a difference, but when your cup's running empty and your self-esteem starts crashing, 

You Need a Powerful INNER Fix.

Clear Space in Your Schedule to Receive:


Calm your nervous system, release built-up emotional baggage, and
feel renewed clarity and energy.

With a ground breaking breath-work technique that rebalances your receiving energy.


Bathe in a unique healing experience that helps you meet yourself exactly where you need it.

Loving facilitation to heal the root cause and restore symptoms of emotional overwhelm and burnout.


Learn and implement a game-changing self-love process to set the stuck parts of yourself free!

Proven to radically transform tens of thousands of lives around the world, without the heavy lifting.

From the comfort of your bed, bath, meditation space, yoga mat, or anywhere... 

90 minutes each day to immerse within yourself. Live sessions are recorded. (Phew)

Share this experience with other sensitive souls within a private group space.

Create healthy new relationships, without being bombarded, within a safe community of people like you.

Feel completely safe to receive with a full refund if for some reason it doesn't work for you.

No pressure to stay if it's not for you. EVERY REASON to stay because it guarantees results.
With International Self-Love Teacher, Tara Love Perry

"The only way out is within You."

Tara Love Perry is widely considered the UK's leading Self-Love teacher due to her unique and pioneering techniques for personal transformation and evolution from the human condition. 

Tara’s 22+ year career has taken her all over the world, with tens of thousands of people; including spiritual, political and corporate leaders, coaches, authors, CEO's, celebrities, artists, and even a First Lady, all experiencing profound shifts, healing and self-realisations from her 1:1 sessions, workshops and trainings.

Tara is the creator of the "I Love You, Me" (self-help) method, and founder of 'Transformational Self Love Therapy'; “A Game-changer" for therapists, helpers and healers and their clients, having also worked with some of the world's leading spiritual and wellness teachers. 

Tara is also a very proud mum of 2 and an Ambassador of ALALA charity for orphaned children, on a mission to help bring more love to a traumatised world for our children's can grandchildren's future.
Tara's Meditations Have Hundreds of 5 Star Ratings...
From Burnt-Out to Blissed Out! ~ Without the Faff, Stress or Travel Expense.

Go from feeling foggy, disconnected and can't think straight.

Follow the Program to authentically reconnect within, heal and re-balance.

So you soon feel lit-up, peaceful, rebalanced and ahhh...


Get the complete "I Love You, Me" Method in the '7-Steps to Transformational Self-Love' video course, with downloadable workbook and guided audio meditation for outstanding results, absolutely FREE.

Secure Your Place Now

Value £879

Only £156 for the Full 7-Day Self-Love Healing Spa
Q: Do I have to be a Healer, Coach, Carer or Health Professional to Attend?
A: If you're someone who's passionate about making a difference in other people's lives, whether through teaching, training or being in service in some kind of way, then this is for you. 
Q: Is it only for women?
A: Not at all. It's open to all genders. It's just that mostly women tend to invest in self-love, that's all.
Q: Can I bring a friend?
A: Yes of course, it's better shared with someone you love anyway. Simply share this page url with them-
Disclaimer: The 'Self-Love Spa' experience doesn't not claim to heal 100% all burn out cases and symptoms as that entirely depends on each individual's level of stress and participation in this process.}

Still not feeling confident enough to get in the Self-Love Spa just yet?
No worries. Just click this link to send an email that says "Interested" in the subject box, and ask me anything else you need to know.
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